what are stale shares

What are stale shares and how to avoid them?

Before explaining what are stale shares and how to avoid them, I explain to you what are shares and how they actually work. Shares can be sold and bought quickly and making shares attractive for both investors and shares. Before understanding what are stale shares and how they work, you need to know how simple share work. 

How do shares work? 

Shares are the assets or some part of the company. This means when you buy a share it means when you buy shares, you buy some asset of the company. Shares are a good source of making money. There are two ways by which you make money through shares. The first one is that you buy shares and their value increase. So when you sell them you can earn profit and make money. The second one is that when you pay dividends, you make a profit when the company earns a profit. But keep one thing also in mind the share prices are also decreasing and they affect your initial investment. 

What are stale shares? 

The shares which are happened by submitting a miner share to the pool and the pool that has connected to the other mining pool block already is known as stale shares.  You think about what is miner and mining pool. This is like a pool of online resources that work to combine to make it strong and find the successful block for investment. 

To join the mining pool, you need to perform some steps. 

  • Choose a pool that you want to join. 
  • In the mining software add the pool address which you use. 
  • For the inflow and outflow of cash, add your online bank wallet. 
  • The last step is to configure your machines to your mining pool.
what are stale shares

Reasons for the happening of stale shares: 

When you know what are stale shares then you need to know about its happening reason. The most common reason for the happening of stake shares is the latency in your connected network. When the time is passed between data transformation from miner to mining pool then miner to pool latency happens. When the pool finds the block it will send the new shares out to miners and latency becomes down due to this. 

There are two main other reasons behind the rejection of shares are also: 

  • The first one is to share above the target. This happens when the mining software needs to be configured. It will also show that the software which you used is not compatible. 
  • The second reason is the duplication of shares. It means when the bug is found in the mining software.  A mining software connects your mining rig to a marketplace. 

What are stale shares reports? 

When a mining pool issue come with the working of one or more miners, the first one who submits the work first gets the credit or reward. The stale share report makes the record on the basis of this information and prevents the data which is submitted more than one time.  The opportunity by which we increase the stale share with the mining pool is slow to work with a new unit. 

Also, read What Are Advisory Shares And How Do They Differ From Other Shares?

How does the fixing of stale shares take place? 

Have you miner stale shares? A very effective and impressive to fix a stale share is to better the network connection between the miner and mining pool. This is only possible when you have a good and reliable internet connection. Your mining pool should be closer to your miner to make the performance good. 

Normal percentage of stale share: 

The approximate percentage of the stale shares happening should be 2 out of 1000 shares. It will depend on what you are mining for. For example; when you use the slow hardware you get the most shares. 

What is rejected share? 

When you know what are stale shares then it is not difficult for you to understand the rejected shares. The shares which are miscalculated and submitted to the mining pool are known as rejected shares. The invalid shares or incorrect shares are also the names of the rejected shares. 

what are stale shares

Shares are expired or not? 

No, actual shares do not have any expiry date but sometimes the shares can be removed from the New York Stock Exchange. It means you are not able to sell your shares more in public. To handle this you need to find a private buyer to sell your shares. But if the company from which you buy the shares is bankrupt, then in the end you will get some money after paying all the creditors. 

What is good ping speed? 

The result which is less than 100ms is considered a good address. Your ping speed affects your mining. It is because of how fast your mining ability is to get access to shares. 

RAM is also a factor that can affect your ping speed. So the higher RAm systems are good for the better speed. Actually, mining uses a very small amount of data. It is because it does not depend on the speedy internet. It is good to have reliable internet to get the maximum mining results. 

Conclusions : 

In this post,  you can easily get complete information about what are stale shares. Shares are a good opportunity if you want to invest. Because it is very difficult to live life with a low salary or money. You need to do something big. Shares are the best option for this. You just need to find the best place for investment. You can get profit when the value of the share increases. You can also earn a profit through the dividend. 


Q: What are stale shares? 

Ans: The shares which are happened by submitting a miner share to the pool and the pool that has connected to the other mining pool block already is known as stale shares. Here the mining pool and miner play an important role. The speed of data software depends on reliable internet speed. 

Q: How do shares work? 

Ans: Shares are the assets or some part of the company. This means when you buy a share it means when you buy shares, you buy some asset of the company. Shares are a good source of making money. 

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