how to earn money on sims Freeplay

How to earn money on sims Freeplay? How to takeoff

Sim Freeplay is the model of popular games which is available on IOS and android mobile. This model is free to use. This version is created by the EA ( Electronic Art) and it is based on famous characters. In this, SIMS requires a hand and guideline in everything which is related to their lives. It is a little bit different model where many players find ways how to make money. In this game, they give you a series of tips and tricks and tell them how to earn money on Sims Freeplay. In this way, I will discuss how to earn money on Sims Freeplay in different ways. 

how to earn money on sims Freeplay

Sims Freeplay cheats: 

Because it is free-to-play hence it is developed with great carefulness. To make able their users they leave a space to use tricks. In past, they will send you a code to do something. But now they do not do this. In this game, you buy coins with real money. 

So making money in Sim Freeplay is not like other platforms of games. In this game, we use other ways to get tricks and follow the rules of the game rules and privacy policy to earn money. Can we say that we have a few tricks in form of glitches? These tricks will allow us to gather some coins in the games by themselves. So we fulfill the things which we require. In case of taking advantage of these glitches, we need to use this with great care and not use this continuously. These glitches are not for long-term advantage because glitches are be solved in the future. 

how to earn money on sims Freeplay

how to earn money on sims Freeplay with a clock glitch? 

There is a glitch in the game named “Clock Glitch” by which we take advantage all the time.  The order which we have to complete in this section takes a long time to complete. Maybe you already know this. Once a time, it took many hours to complete. So in this case, you need a long time and work with patience. Until you make money. 

But after a time, they find a way by which the time period is reduced. This is done by simply adjusting the time of your device’s clock.   This is only the way to reduce the time of the game. When it is done, we are able to start the task and earn money from Sim Freeplay. After completing the game go to the setting of the device. Set the time in advance until the time requires to complete the task. After completing the task, enter the button and collect your earnings. 

Is bunk a good source of income in Sim Freeplay?

The litter is a very important part of the from the time when it is a good source of income without putting a lot of effort. By using Life Point(LP) on our account, we buy this bunk. When we buy this bunk we will be able to sell this bunk and make money from it. 

The bunk has little amount which we buy from Life Point in the game. So we do not put more effort to buy this, at least when its users are in the large amount. So we sell it easily because its users are abundant. We repeat this process again and again since we have a handsome amount of money. 

how to earn money on sims Freeplay

how to earn money on sims Freeplay by having pets? 

When you have a pet like a dog in Sim Freeplay is the other source of making a good income. In this case, it will not give you the amount immediately. But give money after some time. If you have a pet, it is useful and also a source of fun.  

The main key for this part is to take care of the dog, pet it and play games with it frequently. All these sections have some kind of reward.  Pets help us to earn living points (LP). All these actions will take time. So we need to show patience. 

How do white chairs help us to make money? 

In recent months, there is another trick to make money is the use of white chairs. We get this white from the children’s store. As some of you know these white chairs were bought without no money. This is the defect in the game and everyone can take advantage of it. So you can buy these white chairs without paying any amount for as much time as you want. When you collect many chairs you can sell all of them and earn money. This is not the source of making a huge amount but you make some passive income from it. 

How do you earn money by having orchards and agriculture in Sim Freeplay?

The knowledge of how to use the garden in Sim Freeplay is important. It also causes doubts among the user. But if we use it in good manners, we make a good income from it. The main thing is which is necessary to make money is which plant you planted.  

Sow the garlic flower at night when you go to sleep. Because they take time in growing but have a good source of income. Peppers and carrots need a short time for growing and you sow them when you enter the game. 

Also, read this How Much Is Fortnite Earning Per Day On IOS?


In this post, we learn how to earn money on sims Freeplay. We see the different ways of making money by creating tips and tricks. It is a good source of making income. When you have a storage of amount or want to earn more money download this app and start to make money. It is full of a free app to use. It is available both on IOS and android. 


Q: How to earn money on Sims Freeplay? 

Earning on Sims Freeplay is easy to use. You just need to download it. It is available on Android and IOS devices. By playing games and after completing the tasks you get the money. 

Is Sims Freeplay free or paid for use?

 Sim Freeplay is free to play. No charge will you pay when you play the game on it. You download it and make money by playing the game. 

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